Sitemap - 2024 - Fluid & Rooted
the seed our sorrows watered is sprouting:
a practice to let the ecosystem support you 🌿✨🫂
What is it to embody our ecosystems?
voting in honor of those who can't
gratitude for grief (&/or gravity)
on the Queen of Wands as the Teacher of Transformation
the concept of completion (in the context of cycles)
The original fidget toy that isn't made of plastic
Stop trying to "make" sense and just Sense (this equinox)
Crafting & creating containers in which we can float & flow
Print & Paper as a portal for presence
Why do I check my notifications more than I check in with myself?
More than a Dream Journal: How to Keep a Dream Theme Tracker
Cycle tracking is the foundation of who i am today
you're not out of control; you're in a cycle.
when I'm scattered vs. when I surrender
cycle tracking is mapping the astrology of your body
a revolution for wholistic (menstrual+) cycle awareness
showing up exactly as you are is ENOUGH
when intellect undervalues intuition... (+ a free meditation & invitation)
TMI about the artist behind it all
The Healing Balm of Poetry (& my first ever booklet!)
Moon of Sensing Center in the Senseless
overwhelm as an opportunity, not an obstacle
patterns are persistent, but not unchangeable
Your busy mind is beautiful (& other reminders...)
Hesitation is a hallway - and Resistance is the gateway to resilience
Taurus New Moon of Radical Restoration
Everything is an ecosystem. {Redistribute & Receive}
Iris Awareness - a story behind the cover art...
How journaling helps me remember what I wanna share with my doctors
Equinox of emergence & resistance